Friday, November 25, 2011

Train Spotting

If you like pulp fiction, i'm sure you'll like this movie too. I don't want to compare this movie to pulp fiction but all i'm suggesting is that if you liked the memorable characters and dialogue of tarantino's masterpiece, then you'll enjoy this film too.

Without giving too much away, i would like to add that Trainspotting does not have that crazy narrative loop in pulp fiction, but it is one of those film where narrative is secondary to charactes/dialogue + style. I would not say that this film is visually attractive, but that is director Danny Boyle's purpose here- his film making, especially choice of camera angles and shots fits the mood and context here perfectly. You really have to see it to understand.

Now regarding the movie itself. On paper, the plot summary sounds nothing extraordinary: Train Spotting follows Renton (Ewen Mcgregor) a Scottish druggie enveloped in the drug culture of his hometown as he tries to 'break the habit.' But like I said before, it's not the plot that counts. When you go and watch the movie, which i hope you would, just enjoy it for the characters and film making. i'm not saying the story is crap, but just that it's not the most important thing here.

Many of you may know Ewen Mcgregor from playing obi wan kenobi or the dude in moulin rouge but this is the definitive ewen mcgregor that you have to see. What I will say is that his performance as Renton in this movie makes the other two roles i just mentioned look like child's play (well to be honest the acting in the Star wars prequel trilogy have not been that great just think of Hayden Christensen....enough said). Mcgregor plays the anti hero Renton perfectly and I say this because we are meant to feel disgusted by his actions (he says himself that he is not a good person) yet, at the same time we can not help but feel for him. The supporting cast is also great and before you know it, you feel as if you really know the rest of the druggies (Spud, Sick Boy etc) and become their "mates."

Credit must also go to Danny Boyle (Slum Dog Millionare, 28 days later, 127 hours ). This was, i suppose, THE break for Boyle (same goes to Mcgregor i guess). I must say he was very brave for making a movie like this, because it easily could have been a miss, but instead he has worked his directorial magic and has created a piece of art in the league of pulp fiction.
It's also worth mentioning that the movie is based on a book and i guess it would help to read the book for a more complete understanding and appreciation- there were references and things i did not get until i read up on it.
Oh yeah, and expect the offbeat and unexpected stuff. The movie is different (it;s not a complete drama nor complete comedy, hard to define really), but i feel that it's a refreshing type of different.

Monday, November 7, 2011


Ok because this blog has only received advertisers as viewers I will try to bring it back to life with a quick summary of movies I've watched since hac has been over

Midnight in Paris: probably one of the best movies I've watched this year. I don't want to ruin any plot details for those who have never heard of it before but I will say that the historical figures are cast particularly well and always manage to bring a smile to the face. Ernest Hemingway just has a way with words. Until he becomes drunk.

Transformers 3: this movie is almost three hours long and in total there was about one minute of footage I actually enjoyed which was mostly just panning shots of the city. I will admit some of the cinematography and visuals are really good but some of it almost unwatchable. And a commendation must go to Michael bay for making what could have been an hour and a half movie this long by making sam seem like an absolute douche and also inventing methods to get robots to fight other robots which don't even contribute to the plot

Kung Fu panda 2: although I haven't seen cars 2 yet, looking at the rt ratings it seems that pixar won't get an Oscar this year. This movie will probably win it and it deserves all of it. Better than the first one and having an opening fight sequence which is equal to or better than Kung Fu hustle.

That is all.